A good UX design maximises users' overall experience and satisfaction when interacting with a product or service. It covers all manner of usability, accessibility, and interaction design.
The goal of UX is not to change user behaviour but rather to accommodate how the product works, looks and feels to the user.
• Scroll sideways or tap arrows to view artwork •
User Interface (UI) design
is everything we see on a website or an app:
The menus and buttons we tap or click
Graphics, images, text and colours
Animations we interact with.
A good UI must cover:
Structure of navigation and information architecture
Layout, including page hierarchy
Content - how it is placed within the design
Functionality wireframes describing how the product will work and how it is meant to interact with users.
When User Experience doesn’t consider ALL users, shouldn’t it be known as “ SOME UX ” or… SUX?
A prototype is an early working model of a finished product built to test and validate a creative idea or design concept. It is a crucial stage in the design and development process, allowing for iterative improvements and refinements before committing to full production.
The benefits of prototyping:
Proof of Concept
A prototype proves the proposed idea or design is feasible and can function as intended. It helps identify potential issues or flaws early on when they are more accessible and cost-effective.
User Testing and Feedback
Prototypes enable user testing, essential for gathering valuable feedback from potential customers or end-users. This feedback can inform design improvements, ensuring the final product meets user needs and expectations.
Iterative Design Refinement
By creating and testing prototypes, designers and engineers can iterate and refine the design based on real-world data and user feedback. This iterative process leads to a more polished and user-friendly final product.
Risk Mitigation
Prototyping helps mitigate risks associated with product development by identifying and addressing potential issues before committing significant resources to full-scale production.
In today's competitive market, no product with commercial value can bypass the prototyping and user-testing stages. These crucial steps ensure that the final product meets the desired specifications, satisfies user needs, and is more likely to succeed in the marketplace.
In our recent booklet, 'Brief Guide to Prototyping for UX' we explore the benefits of prototyping, manual vs. digital prototyping tools, fidelity, rapid prototyping, and the user testing process. We hope you find it useful.
UX and prototyping are inextricably connected to the product design and development process.
It focuses on the overall experience of a person interacting with a product, such as websites, applications, or technological equipment. It encompasses all aspects of the user journey, including:
Accessibility, and
Emotional responses.
Prototyping is a crucial step in the design process that allows designers and developers to validate their ideas and concepts early on. Its primary objective is to determine whether the proposed product triggers positive emotions and effectively engages users.
By creating prototypes and conducting user testing, designers can gather invaluable feedback and insights into how users perceive and interact with the product. This feedback informs design iterations and refinements, improving overall user experience.
Prototyping is an essential tool for UX professionals, as it enables them to identify and address potential usability issues, pain points, or areas for improvement before committing significant resources to full-scale production.
In summary:
UX and prototyping work together to ensure that products are functional, delightful, and engaging for their intended users. Prototyping provides the means to validate and refine the user experience iteratively, resulting in products that meet or exceed user expectations.